2010 Mid Hudson St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Sunday March 7, 2010 2pm
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NY Saint Patrick's Parade in the State of New
York (NY)
Patrick’s Day Parade.com
honors the
memory of
James R.
Casserly Sr.

A blueprint of an Irish American Hero:
Faith, family, friends, and country.
A good husband, father, and grandfather,
Veteran of Word War II and Korean War,
a role model to emulate.
On Sunday March 7, 2010 the Mid Hudson St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Committee will host one of its annual fundraisers. “Irish Day” will be held
at the
American Legion Arthur Finnegan Post, 40 Mountain Lake Lane,
Greenwood Lake, N.Y.
Entertainment will run from noon to 6:00 p.m. and will
consist of:Billy Keenan,
Chris Turpin, Men in the Group, Irish Step Dancers, Pipes & Drums, as
well as Irish wares for sale and food & beverages on sale.
The cost for admission is $8 per person with children
under 12 free.
The Mid-Hudson St. Patrick’s Parade Committee is holding
the following events in conjunction with its 34th annual St. Patrick’s
The 34th annual Mid-Hudson St. Patrick’s Parade will be
Sunday, March 14, 2010 in Goshen, New York starting at 2:00 p.m.
Assemblywoman Annie Rabbitt of
Greenwood Lake is this year’s Grand Marshal.
Parade day will start with the 9:00a.m. Mass at Our Lady
of Mt. Carmel Church in Middletown. Mass is followed by the Grand Marshal’s
Breakfast beginning at 10:30 a.m. at Kuhl’s Highland House; located at 512
Highland Avenue, Middletown, NY. Tickets for this event are $20.00
per person. Tickets must be purchased by
March 8th. No tickets will be sold at the door. For tickets
please call Julie Nolan at
845-699-5858 or Janice Reynolds at
The 34th annual Mid-Hudson St. Patrick’s Parade will top
off the day. The Parade will lineup at the
Orange County Government Center, Main St. Goshen. The lineup time is
between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. with the step off at 2:00 p.m.
Four divisions make up the Parade, each division
representing one of the four provinces of
Ireland. The lineup is
an assortment of Pipe Bands, youth bands and civic groups, fire companies,
color guards, and the
ten local Irish clubs that sponsor the Parade. The Parade Committee awards
five trophies to marching units. There is a trophy for “Best Marching Unit”
“Best Color Guard
Unit”, ”Champion Band” Runner–Up Band”, “Best
Youth Group” and “Most Outstanding Unit Overall”.. For further
information contact Parade President, Megan Mollahan (845) 536-2541. You can
also go to the Parade Website by logging on to
http://www.mid-hudsonstpatricksparade.org/ |