2010 Bay Ridge Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Sunday, March 28th, 2010 at 1 pm
A list of all Saint Patrick's Parade in the State of
New York (NY)
Ticket information contact Jerry Callahan
Parade Information Jerry Callahan
Line up time 12:00p.m.at Marine Avenue & 4th
Avenue Step off time !:00 P.M.
Grand Stand located at 75th. Street & 5th. Avenue
Raffle Sales $ 5. 00 each Three prizes 1st
prize $3000.
3rd. prize
Drawing Held at Grand Stand
Parade dedicated to John (Butchie) McGoldrick
Shamus O'Toole
Come join us for a Fantastic Time
The parade will start in front off St. Patrick's R.C. Church (95th Street & 4th
Avenue) and will proceed North on Fourth Avenue to Fifth Avenue then on Fifth
Avenue to 59th Street at OLPH, where the parade will disperse.
(Grand Stand on75th. Street & 5th. Avenue)
For More Information, Please call:
Cell 917-582-7171