2010 Bay City Michigan
Saint Patrick's Day Parade
March 21, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.
All Saint Patrick's
Day Parades in Michigan
The 56th Bay
City St. Patrick's Day Parade
will be March 21, 2010 at 2:00 p.m.
2010 Parade Marshall, Terry Bullock
The parade starts at Center and Park Avenues
and disbands at Center and Water Streets.
Marching bands, pipe bands, and floats will march down the street led by the
2010 Parade Marshall, Terry Bullock.
This is an opportunity for family and friends
to get together and enjoy a day together.
Come and join us! Be sure to dress warmly!
We hope you and yours have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Bay City's parade began in 1955 and has grown to an event that has become a
celebration for the Irish and Irish at heart.
The first St. Patrick's Day Parade was on March 17, 1955 at 5:30 p.m. The
parade started at Center Avenue and Monroe Street and disbanded at City Hall
on Washington Avenue. Mr. Jim Noonan was the Parade Marshal and 10,000
people attended the parade. Sheila Tennant was the St. Patrick's Day Queen
riding the St. Patrick's Day float that featured a "harp" theme. Parade
participants included the Central high school band, local Boy Scout troops,
the Auburn Accordion marching band, Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree drill
team, AAA Furniture, Michigan Bell Telephone, Gillman Plumbing, Sabourin
Drugs, and the Munger Civil Defense unit.
Past parades have featured the Notre Dame marching band and pipe bands from
the U.S. and Canada. Among the marchers in the parade have been Michigan’s
governor, Uncle Sam and a “bonafide” leprechaun. Horses, motorcycles, and
Irish Wolfhounds have all been in our parades.
Each year our Queens pageant provides scholarship monies for the Queen and
court. These young women of Irish descent are selected based on a personal
interview a well as on stage poise and creativity. Scholarship awards total
The 2009 parade included the newly designed St. Patrick’s Day queen’s float,
other new entries and many of the favorites from past parades. Marching
bands, pipe bands, and drill teams will march down the street. The 2010
parade will be led by Parade Marshall, Terry Bullock. The parade begins at
2:00 p.m. at Center and Park Avenues and ends at Wenona Park.
Please join us and we hope you and yours have a Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Bay City is a town of 34,000 and on parade day we will have around 80,000
along the parade route. This years parade will be held
on March 21, 2010 and step off at
2:00pm. Our website is
Please contact me for any other info you may need. My info is Brian Krause
989-894-3095 or email me at
[email protected]
[email protected]