Trenton Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Saturday, March 13th, 2010
A list of all Saint Patrick’s Day Parades in New Jersey (NJ)
Opening ceremonies 12:30 pm;
1:00 pm start of Parade
The Parade begins with opening ceremonies on the steps of St. Anthony's Roman
Catholic Church on Olden Avenue. The Parade then marches down Olden Avenue
turning left onto Hamilton Avenue. Then going down Hamilton Avenue, the main
route of the Parade, participants pass the Reviewing Stand at Columbus Park. The
Parade then turns left onto Chestnut Avenue and finally ends at Immaculate
Conception Roman Catholic Church.
The Trenton St. Patrick's Day Parade annually features in excess of 120 Marching
Units and Floats and draws well over 60,000 spectators.
For more information regarding
these events, as well as Parade sponsorship opportunities, please contact
Jerry Sheridan via telephone at 609-587-0216 or e-mail [email protected].
If you or our organization wishes to participate in the Parade, please call
the parade coordinator Ted Clark at 609-588-4744.
for additional parade information visit our Trenton Friends at