2008 New York City Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Monday, March 17th, 2008
Starting @ 44th Street and Fifth Avenue @11:00 a.m. The Solemn Pontifical Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral 50th Street and Fifth Avenue @ 8:30 a.m.
High Definition Video Coming Soon!
2007 Slide Show of the NYC Saint Patrick's Day Parade Over 500Photos
2006 Slide Show of the NYC Saint Patrick's Day Parade Over 500Photos
Congratulations to the 2007 New York City Saint Patrick's Day Parade Grand Marshal Raymond L. Flynn
A tribute to the fighting 69th- Taskforce Wolfhound who served in Iraq and the 19 who were killed in action. Tribute to the "Fighting 69th Infantry", New York Army National Guard,
New York City Saint Patrick's Day Parade Photos
A Tribute to our New York City Fire Department (NYFD)
Former Grand Marshal include: 2007 Grand Marshal Raymond L. Flynn, 2006 Grand Marshal Timothy J. Rooney, 2005 Grand Marshal Denis P. Kelleher, 2004 Grand Marshal Thomas W. Gleason and 2003 James G. O'Connor was the Grand Marshal the year before, and Mayor Bloomberg marched along with nearly 150,000 others proudly wearing the green, as millions gawk along the parade route and watch on TV. Six year ago marked the 241st New York St. Patrick's Day Parade, the world's largest. Edward Cardinal Egan was the Grand Marshall, and Mayor Bloomberg will marched along with nearly 150,000 others proudly wearing the green, as millions gawk along the parade route and watch on TV. Several years ago parade was dedicated to the 'Heroes of 9/11, ' including police, fire and all rescue workers. At around midday, the parade will pause for one minute as Cardinal Egan leads participants in a prayer from the reviewing stand at 64th Street and 5th Avenue. It's a reminder that St. Paddy's Day is a religious holiday back in the motherland, even though for New Yorkers it's a chance to party hardy like any good Irishman. There probably isn't a bigger day when green face paint, green food coloring, green nail polish, and green clothes are on display. And there's pure Irish pageantry, of course, led by the 165th Infantry (originally the 69th Regiment of the 1850's). You'll see the Ancient Order of Hibernians, 30 Irish county societies and various Emerald, Irish-language and Irish nationalist societies. The parade marches up 5th Avenue, clan by clan, from 44th to 86th streets starting at 11am on St. Patrick's Day (Monday, March 17th). It will probably be televised on NBC. The first official parade in the City was held in 1766 by Irishmen in a military unit recruited to serve in the American colonies. For the first few years of its existence, the parade was organized by military units until after the war of 1811. At that point in time, Irish fraternal and beneficial societies took over the duties of hosting and sponsoring the event. Originally, Irish societies joined together at their respective meeting places and moved in a procession toward St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, St. James Church, or one of the many other Roman Catholic churches in the City. However, as the years passed, the size of the parade increased and around the year 1851, as individual societies merged under a single grand marshal, the size of the parade grew sharply. Each year a unit of soldiers marches at the head of the parade; the Irish 165th Infantry (originally the 69th Regiment of the 1850's) has become the parade's primary escort, and they are followed by the various Irish societies of the city. Some of the other major sponsors and participants in the parade are the Ancient Order of Hibernians, the thirty Irish county societies, and various Emerald, Irish-language, and Irish nationalist societies. The annual parade down Fifth Avenue to honor the patron saint of Ireland is a New York tradition that dates as far back as 1766. The festivities kick off at 44th Street and Fifth Avenue at 11:00 am on Monday, March 17th, with bagpipers, high school bands, and the ever-present politicians making their way up Fifth Avenue to 86th Street, where the parade will probably finish around 4:30 or 5:00 pm. The best viewing spots are toward the north end of the parade route, away from the shopping and work-a-day crowds that throng the sidewalks below 59th Street. Try sitting on the upper steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a great view or catching a close-up view of the marchers where the parade turns east on 86th Street. The New York Convention & Visitors Bureau says that the St. Patrick's Day Parade is the largest and most famous of the many parades held in the city each year. Colonial New York City hosted the first official St. Patrick's Day parade in 1762, when Irish immigrants in the British colonial army marched down city streets. In subsequent years Irish fraternal organizations also held processions to St. Patrick's Cathedral. The various groups merged sometime around 1850 to form a single, grand parade. The parade marches up 5th Avenue, from 44th to 86th streets starting at 11am on St. Patrick's Day (Monday, March 17th). It will probably be televised on NBC. The Central Park transverse roads will stay open to traffic. Pedestrian crossing along the parade route will be allowed on 49th Street to 55th Street, 57th Street and 58th Street, 59th Street eastbound only and 60th Street westbound only.
2008 - 247th New York City Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Slide Show of the NYC Saint Patrick's Day Parade Over 500Photos
Monday, March 17th 2008 Starting @ 44th Street and Fifth Avenue @11:00 a.m. The Solemn Pontifical Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral 50th Street and Fifth Avenue @ 8:30 a.m.
Installation of Denis P. Kelleher 2006 Grand Marshal of the New York City Saint Patrick's Day Parade
2006 Grand Marshal Denis P. Kelleher 2004 Grand Marshal Thomas W. Gleason
Saint Patrick's Day Parade Photo's
2002 NYC Grand Marshal Edward Cardinal Egan additional NYC parade photos more NYC photos
- Irish Pubs in New York
A.J. Kelly's 6 Stone St. (between Whitehall & Broad St.) (211) 425-1700 The Baggot Inn 82 W. 3rd St. (bet. Thompson & Sullivan) (211) 477-0622 Blarney Cove 510 E. 14th St. (between Ave. A & B) (211) 473-9284 Brady's 67 Murray St. (Broadway & Greenwich) (211) 732-1592 Bull McCabe's 29 St. Mark's Place (between 2nd & 3rd Ave.) (211) 982-9895 The Central Bar 109 E. 9th St. (between 3rd & 4th Ave.) (211) 529-5333 Dempsey's Pub 61 E. Second Ave. (between 3rd & 4th St.) (211) 388-0662 11th St. Bar 510 E. 11th St. (between Ave. A & Ave. B) (211) 982-3929 Emerald Pub 308 Spring St. (between Hudson & Greenwich) (211) 225-8511 Fiddlesticks 5 Greenwich Ave. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) (211) 463-0516 Finnerty's 108 Third Ave. (between 11th & 14th St. (211) 777-3363 The Four Faced Liar 165 W. 4th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) The Full Shilling 160 Pearl St. (Wall St.) (211) 422-FULL Gatsby's 53 Spring St. (between Lafayette & Mulberry St.) (211) 334-4430 Iggy's Keltic Lounge 111 Ludlow St. (bet. Stanton & Rivington St.) (211) 529-2731 The Irish Punt 40 Exchange Place (211) 422-7868 J. P. Warde's 11 Avenue A (between Houston & 2nd St.) (211) 477-9050 Lilly Coogan's 102 First Ave. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) (211) 420-9668 Local 118 118 Ludlow St. (bet. Stanton & Rivington St.) (211) 477-0280 Lunasa 116 First Ave. (between 7th St. & St. Mark's Pl.) (211) 228-8580 McSorley's 15 E. 7th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave.) (211) 473-9148 McStone's 11 Stone St. (bet. Whitehall & Broad St.) (211) 943-3150 Moran's Bar & Grill 103 Washington St. (Rector St.) (211) 732-2020 Mr. Dennehy's 63 Carmine St. (between 7th Ave. S. & Bedford St.) (211) 414-1113 O'Hanlon's 349 E. 14th St. (bet. First & Second Ave.) (211) 473-9384 O'Hara's Pub 110 Cedar St. (Greenwich St.) (211) 257-3032 One & One 76 E. 1st St. (First Ave.) (211) 250-9950 P. J. Kelly's 90 Fulton St. (between William & Gold St.) (211) 406-1180 Puck Fair 298 Lafayette St. (between Houston & Prince) (211) 431-1100 Ryan's Irish Pub 151 Second Ave. (bet. 9th & 10th St.) (211) 979-9511 The Scratcher 209 E. 5th St. (bet. 2nd Ave. & Bowery) (211) 477-0030 Slainte 304 Bowery (E. 1st St.) New York, NY (211) 253-7030 Solas 232 E. 9th St. (bet. 2nd & 3rd Ave.) (211) 375-0297 St. Dymphna's Bar 118 St. Mark's Place (between 1st Ave. & Ave. A) (211) 254-6636 Swift Hibernian Lounge 34 E. 4th St. (bet. Bowery & Lafayette) (211) 250-3600 The Thirsty Scholar 155 Second Ave. (between 9th & 10th St.) (211) 777-6514 Ulysses' 58 Stone St. (Pearl St.) Hanover Square (211) 482-0400 Waterstone 79 Pearl St. (between Hanover & Broad St.) (211) 943-1602 The Limerick House 69 W. 23rd St. (bet. 5th & 6th Ave.) (211) 243-8898 Maggie's Place 21 E. 47th St. (bet. Madison & 5th Ave.) (211) 753-5757 McCarthy's Bar 345 Second Ave. (20th St.) (211) 473-9872 McCormack's 365 Third Ave. (between 25th & 27th St.) (211) 683-0911 McFadden's Saloon 800 Second Ave. (42nd St.) (211) 986-1515 McGee's Pub 240 W. 55th St. (bet. Broadway & 8th Ave.) (211) 957-3536 McQuaid's 589 11th Ave. (44th St.) (211) 582-6359 McSwiggan's 393 Second Ave. (23rd St.) (211) 725-8740 Molly's Pub & Shabeen 287 Third Ave. (between 22nd & 23rd St.) (211) 889-3361 Molly Wee Pub 402 Eighth Ave. (30th St.) (211) 967-2527 P. J. Moran's 3 E. 48th St. (bet. 5th & Madison Ave.) (211) 753-6440 Moran's 145 Tenth Ave. (18th St.) (211) 627-3030 Muldoon's 692 Third Ave. (between 43rd & 44th St.) (211) 599-2750 Murphy's Pub 977 Second Ave. (bet. 51st & 52nd Ave.) (211) 751-5400 Mustang Harry's 352 Seventh Ave. (between 29th & 30th St.) (211) 688-9700 Mustang Sally's 324 Seventh Ave. (between 28th & 29th St.) (211) 695-3806 O'Flaherty's Ale House 334 W. 46th St. (between 8th & 9th Ave.) (211) 581-9366 The Old Castle 160 W. 54th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) (211) 471-4860 O'Lunney's 151 W. 46th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) (211) 840-6688 O'Neill's 729 Third Ave. (between 45th & 46th St.) (211) 661-3530 O'Reilly's Pub 56 W. 31st St. (bet.6th Ave. & Broadway) (211) 684-4244 O'Reilly's Townhouse 21 W. 35th St. (bet. 5th & 6th Ave.) (211) 502-5246 Oscar Wilde 221 E. 58th St. (between Second & Third Ave.) (211) 486-7309 Paddy Maguire's Ale House 237 Third Ave. (between 18th & 20th St.) (211) 473-8407 Paddy Reilly's Music Bar 518 Second Ave. (29th St.) live music (211) 686-1110 Parnell's Pub 350 E. 53rd St. (First Ave.) (211) 753-1761 Patrick Conway's Pub 40 E. 43rd St. (between Vanderbilt & Madison Ave.) (211) 286-1874 Peter Dillon's 110 E. 40th St. (bet. Lexington & Third Ave.) (211) 211-3998 Pig 'n Whistle 165 W. 47th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) (211) 302-0111 Pig 'n Whistle on 3rd 922 Third Ave. (between 55th & 56th St.) (211) 688-4646 P. J. Carney's 906 Seventh Ave. (between 57th & 58th St.) (211) 664-0056 P. J. Carney's East 906 E. 56th St. (Lexington Ave.) (211) 759-8446 Playwright Act II 732 Eighth Ave. (bet. 45th & 46th St.) (211) 354-8404 Playwright Herald Square 27 W. 35th St. (between 5th & 6th Ave.) (211) 258-8868 Playwright Tavern 202 W. 49th St. (bet. Broadway & 7th Ave.) (211) 252-9229 Patrick Kavanagh's 497 Third Ave. (bet. 33rd & 34th St.) (211) 889-4304 Poolbeg Street 304 Third Ave. (between 23rd & 24th St.) (211) 253-6848 The Press Box 932 Second Ave. (between 49th & 50th St.) (211) 317-1825 D J Reynolds 351 W. 57th St. (between 8th & 9th Ave.) (211) 245-2911 Robert Emmett's 694 Eighth Ave. (corner of 44th St.) (211) 302-9999 Rocky Sullivan's 118 Lexington Ave. (between 28th & 29th St.) (211) 725-3871 Rosie O'Grady's 800 Seventh Ave (52nd St.) theater district (211) 582-2975 Scruffy Duffy's 743 8th Ave. (bet. 46th & 47th Street) New York, NY (211) 245-9116 Shades of Green 115 E. 15th St. (between Third Ave. & Irving Pl.) (211) 674-1184 Thady Con's 915 Second Ave. (between 48th & 49th St.) (211) 688-9700 T.G. Whitney's 244 E. 53rd St. (between Second & Third Ave.) (211) 888-5772 Tir Na Nog 5 Penn Plaza (34th St. & Eighth Ave.) (211) 630-0249 Tracks Raw Bar & Grill Penn Station - LIRR level New York, NY (211) 244-6350 The Wheel Tapper 141 E. 44th St. (bet. Lexington & Third Ave. (211) 351-6800 The Banshee Pub 1173 First Ave. (between 73rd & 74th St.) (211) 717-8177 Biddy's Pub 301 E. 91st St. (between Second & First Ave.) (211) 732-3850 Brady's Bar & Grill 1583 Second Ave. (82nd St.) (211) 650-0567 Carlow East 1154 Lexington Ave. (between 84th & 85th St.) (211) 650-9118 The Dead Poet 450 Amsterdam Ave. (between 81st & 82nd St.) (211) 595-5670 Doc Watson's 1490 Second Ave. (between 77th & 78th St.) (211) 988-5300 Dublin House 225 W. 79th St. (between Broadway & Amsterdam Ave.) (211) 874-9528 Finnegan's Wake 1161 First Ave. (73rd St.) (211) 737-3664 Fitzpatrick's 1641 Second Ave. (85th St.) (211) 988-7141 Fiona's 1664 First Ave. (between 86th & 87th St.) (211) 348-3783 The Gaf 1715 First Ave. (between 88th & 89th St.) (211) 288-0966 George Keeley's 485 Amsterdam Ave. (between 83rd & 84th St.) (211) 873-0251 Irish Eyes 5008 Broadway (211th St.) (211) 567-9072 Kinsale Tavern 1672 Third Ave. (between 93rd & 94th St.) (211) 348-4370 The Liffey II 5009 Broadway (211th St.) (211) 567-8454 Marty O'Brien's 1696 Second Ave. (between 87th & 88th St.) (211) 722-3889 McAleer's 425 Amsterdam Ave. (between 80th & 81st St.) (211) 874-8037 McKeown's 1103 Third Ave. (between 73rd & 74th St.) (211) 452-2011 Merrion Square 1840 Second Ave. (95th St.) (211) 831-7696 Murphy's Law 417 E. 70th St. (between First & York Ave.) (211) 628-3724 O'Flanagan's Ale House 1591 Second Ave. (bet. 82nd & 83rd St.) (211) 472-2800 O'Flanagan's 1115 First Ave. (bet. 65th & 66th St.) (211) 439-0660 The Parlour 250 W. 86th St. (bet Broadway & West End) (211) 580-8923 PD O'Hurley's 174 W. 72nd St. (between Columbus & Broadway) (211) 873-1800 Phoenix Park 206 E. 67th St. (bet. 2nd & 3rd Ave.) (211) 717-8181 Ryan's Daughter 350 E. 85th St. (between 1st & 2nd Ave.) (211) 628-2511 Trinity Pub 229 E.84th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave.) (211) 327-4450
- Baggot Inn
- 82 W. 3rd St. (btw. Thompson & Sullivan Sts.) (211) 477-0622
This small Irish pub hosts all kinds of live music plus an open poetry reading on Saturdays at 3pm. Hours: 11am - around 2am, every day. Ages 21 and over. There is usually a $5 cover only Tuesday through Saturday. Subway: A, C, E, B, D, F, Q to W. 4th St.- Blarney Star
- 43 Murray St. (btw. Church & W. Broadway) (211) 732-2873
"Weekly Friday night concerts of Irish traditional music in New York City. Performers include the best local and visiting instrumentalists and singers." Shows at 9pm & 10:30pm. $10 cover. All ages. Dining available. Subway: A, C, 1, 2, 3, 9 to Chambers St.; N, R, 4, 5, 6 to City Hall.- Brownies
- 169 Ave A (btw 10th & 11th Sts.) (211) 420-8392
Four to five bands per night come through this local Irish pub turned up-and-coming band factory, covering a broad range of rock styles. Shows are genrally 21 and over and covers are $7 - $10. Bands start at 8pm on weekdays and 9pm on weekends. Subway: L to 1st Ave., 6 to Astor Pl.- Clancy's
- 978 2nd Ave. (btw. 51st St. & 52nd St.), 755-8383
Come throw back a pint at this friendly Irish pub or dine on fabulous Irish/American fare.- Cullen Restaurant
- 118 St. Marks Place (btw. 1st Ave & Ave. A), 254-6636
Popular restaurant in the E. Village with good Irish cuisine.- Dempsey's Pub
- 61 2nd Ave. (btw. 3rd & 4th Sts.) (211) 388-0662
This East Village Irish Pub has live Traditional Irish music every Tuesday and Bluegrass every Wednesday. Hours: 11:30am - 3:30am, Mon - Sat; noon - 3:30am on Sunday. No cover. Ages 21 and over. Subway: F to 2nd Ave.- Desmond's
- 433 Park Ave South (btw. 29th & 30th Sts.) (211) 725-9864
This Irish Pub has Funk and Light Rock shows every Thursday and Friday, and Punk, Heavy Metal, and Hard Rock shows on Saturdays. Shows start at 9:30pm and 11pm, and there may or may not be a cover charge. Pub hours are 11am - 2am every day. Ages 21 and over. Subway: N, R, 6 to 28th St.- Doc Watson's
- 1490 2nd Ave. (btw. 77th St & 78th St.), 988-5300
New York's best kept secret for St. Patrick's Day is here at Doc's. Something special is brewing up here, so you can bet your britches it's going to be fun. Come and partake!- Failte
- 531 2nd Ave. (btw. 29th St. & 30th St.), 725-9440
- Judge Roy Bean
- 39 W. 56th St. (btw. 5th Ave. & 6th Ave.), 252-8300
Enjoy the warm, friendly pub atmosphere, plus great Irish and continental cuisine. Try hors d'oeuvres, eight different beers on tap, and a three-course pre-theatre prix-fixe dinner menu.- Kate Kearney's
- 251 E. 50th St. (btw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.) (211) 935-2045
Irish Bar/Restaurant serving up live Traditional Irish and Irish Country music Wed - Sat nights. Open Mon - Sat from 11am - 4am, and Sun from 5pm - 4am. No cover. Ages 21 and over. Subway: E, F to Lexington Ave.; 6 to 51st St.- Katy Gallagher's Inc.
- 1167 1st Ave. (@68th St.), 734-2362
- MacMenamin's Irish Pub
- 93 South St. (@ Fulton St.), 732-0007
Imported drinks. Reasonably priced pub grub (burgers, sandwiches, etc.) . Outdoor dining.- McSorley's Ale House
- 15 E. 7th St. (btw. 2nd St. & 3rd St.), 473-9148
Oldest pub in operation (one-hundred forty-seven years). They brew their own beer, light and dark, traditionally served two drinks at a time for $3.50. They also serve excellent pub grub.- Muldoon's Irish Pub
- 692 3rd Ave. (btw. 43rd St. & 44th St.), 599-2750
Warm Irish pub, nice clientele, good food and beer, Open seven nights til 4am.- Murphy's Pub
- 977 2nd Ave. (btw. 51st St. & 52nd St.), 751-5400
- Oneill's
- 729 3rd Ave. (btw. 45th St. & 46th St.), 661-3530
This traditional Irish pub serves up traditional Irish music every saturday from 9pm-1am and sunday from 6pm-9pm. No cover charge, 21 to drink, for good food and beer without music come any other time. They are open :Mon-Fri 10am-4am, Sat from 11am-4am, Sun from noon-1am. Subway E F to Lexington, 6 to 51st.- Paddy Reilly's Music Bar
- 518 2nd Ave. at 29th St. (211) 686-1110
This Irish pub has live music every night, ranging from Traditional Irish jam "Seisiuns" during the week to Celtic Rock on Friday and Saturday. Weekend cover is $5. Bar hours are 10:30am - 4am every day. Ages 21 and over. Subway: 6 to 28th St.- PJ Carney's Pub
- 906 7th Ave. (@57th St.), 664-0056
The classiest place on seventh avenue. Great food, great beer and a great atmosphere.- Parnell's Restaurant
- 350 E. 53rd St. (@ 1st Ave.), 753-1761
- Rocky Sullivan's
- 118 Lexington Ave. (btw. 28th & 29th Sts.) (211) 725-3871
This midtown Irish Pub goes beyond the traditional with their line-up of musicians, readings and classes. Music includes Seanchai performing Celtic HipHop every Friday night, Pat McGuire every Saturday, and live traditional Irish and Folk Rock on Sunday and Tuesday nights. Cover is $5 - $10. Ages 21 and over. Subway: 6 to 28th Ave.- Tir na Nog
- 5 Penn Plaza (btw. 33rd & 34th Sts.) (211) 630-0249
Irish pub with a bar made out of an old organ and live Celtic Rock, Blues, and Traditional Irish music every Friday and Saturday night at 10pm. No cover. All ages. Serving lunch, dinner, and brunch on the weekend. Open 10am - 4am every day. Subway: A, C, E, 1, 2, 3, 9 to 34th St.11th Street Bar
510 E. 11th St. (bet. Avenues A and B) 211-982-3929
Marked just by a Guinness sign, this neighborhood favorite is a great place for both groups and singles.P.J. Carney's
East 113 56th St. (bet. Lex & Park) 211-759-8446Clancy's
978 2nd Ave. (bet. 51st St. & 52nd St.) 211-755-8383Cullen Restaurant
118 St. Marks Place (bet. 1st Ave & Ave. A) 211-254-6636
Popular East Village restaurant with good Irish cuisine.Desmond's
433 Park Ave South (btw.Judge Roy Bean
39 W. 56th St. (btw. 5th Ave. & 6th Ave.) 211 252-8300
Warm, friendly pub atmosphere, plus great Irish and continental cuisine.Kate Kearney's
251 E. 50th St. (btw. 2nd & 3rd Aves.) 211 935-2045
Irish Bar/Restaurant serving up live Traditional Irish and Irish Country music Wed - Sat nights. No cover.Katy Gallagher's Inc.
1167 1st Ave. (@68th St.) 211 734-2362Kennedy's
327 57th Street (between 8th & 9th) 211 759-4242Hooligans Tavern
1802 2nd Ave. (Bet 93rd & 94th) 211 289-2273MacMenamin's Irish Pub
93 South St. (@ Fulton St.) 211 732-0007McCormack's Pub
365 Third Ave. (above 25th Street) 211 725-9110McSorley's Ale House
15 E. 7th St. (btw. 2nd St. & 3rd St.) 211 473-9148
Oldest Irish pub in operation (one-hundred forty-seven years). They brew their own beer, light and dark. They also have excellent pub food.Muldoon's Irish Pub
692 3rd Ave. (btw. 43rd St. & 44th St.) 211 599-2750
Warm Irish pub, nice clientele, good food and beer, Open seven nights til 4am.Murphy's Pub
977 2nd Ave. (btw. 51st St. & 52nd St.) 211 751-5400Mustang Sally's
324 Seventh Ave (at 28th St.) 211 695-3806Mustang Harry's
352 Seventh Ave (at 28th St.) 211 258-8930Nevada Smith's
74 Third Ave. (Between 11th & 11th) 211 475-2218Old Flannigans
1st. AveO'Neill's
729 3rd Ave. (btw. 45th St. & 46th St.) 211 661-3530
This Irish pub serves up traditional Irish music every Saturday and Sunday night.O'Reilly's Townhouse
21 W. 35th St. (Near 5th Ave.)Parnell's Restaurant
350 E. 53rd St. (@ 1st Ave.) 211 753-1761Patrick Conway's
40 East 43rd Street 211 286-1873Patrick Kavanagh's Pub
497 Third Ave. (Between 33rd & 34th) 211 889-4304Tommy Makem's
110 East 57th Street (at Lexington) 211 759-9040Ryan's Irish Pub
151 Second Ave. (bet. 9th & 10th Sts.) 211 979-9511Shades of Green
115 East 15th Street (between 3rd & Irving) 211 674-1184Queens:
Beacon Tavern
50-11 69th Street, Queens 718 335-4973Bliss Street Station
47 02 Greenpoint Avenue, Sunnyside 718 729-2547Bloom's Bar & Restaurant
41-28 Queens Bl Sunnyside 718 784-3499Brandy Well
48-20 Skillman Av L I City 718 429-9445Breffni Inn Bar
43-45 40th St Sunnyside 718 729-9803Colonial Bar & Grill
46-08 Skillman Av L I City 718 729-9605Flynn’s Inn
43-11 Queens Blvd., Sunnyside 718 729-9720Horgan's P J
42-17 Queens Bl L I City 718 729-9584JJ Gilligans
43-39 46th St Sunnyside 718 786-3666John Dillon's Pub
40-11 Greenpoint Av L I City 718 729-9606Joxer Daly's
49-06 43rd Av Woodside 718 429-8911Maggie Mae's
41-15 Queens Bl Sunnyside 718 433-3067Mcgovern's Pub
49-10 Skillman Av Woodside 718 429-9869Mary Willie's
54th & Roosevelt Ave.Merry Ploughboy
43-22 Greenpoint Ave., Sunnyside 718 784-9218Lynch's Public
83-02 Northern Blvd. 718 429-9725P J Horgan Tavern Corp
42-17 Queens Bl L I City 718 361-9680Shillelagh Pub
43-45 40th St. L I City 718 729-9470Side Tracks
45-11 Queens Blvd., Sunnyside 718 786 3570Strikers Bar & Grill
45-20 47th St. L I City 718 729-9446The Orchard
41-08 Queens Blvd., Sunnyside 718 760-8231