2008 AOH Notre Dame Division 1
Saint Patrick's Day Parade

Saturday, March 8, 2007
2:00 PM Start
Conshohocken, PA
Grand Marshal's Ball
March 03, 2007
Jeffersonville Golf Club, 2400 W. Main St
Jeffersonville, PA 19403 6:00 PM Start
This year's 2007 St.
Patrick's Parade Grand Marshal
is Ed Halligan

Congratulations to Ed for his contributions to the community, and for his
reign as the 2007 Conshohocken Saint Patrick's Parade Grand Marshal.
Click here for Ed's Bio
President - Montgomery County AOH
Current AOH State
Past President -
AOH Sean McBride Division 2
the parade
The parade will be on March 10th, with a 1:00 pm line-up and a
2:00 pm start at 11th Avenue and Fayette Street in Conshohocken (see
map below). The route is along Fayette St from 11th Ave to Elm St
(all downhill). It will end in front of the Washington Fire Company.
Note that shuttles will be leaving from AOH Hall to the parade site. The
last bus will be leaving at 1:00 sharp.
Please wear
black pants and shoes along with your Division Jacket. If you don’t have a
division jacket you are still welcome to participate.
We are in
need of Parade Marshals to line up the participants in the parade. Contact
Jack Rodenbaugh if you wish to help out.
Theme set for the parade
The theme of the parade will be Flags of Our Fathers. This is in
honor of all those who came before us to help build our Nation to what it is
The Parade Committee will line Fayette Street with yellow ribbons in
remembrance of our armed forces throughout the world. Onlookers and
businesses along the parade route are asked to wear or display yellow
ribbons for our troops, and to display American and Irish flags as well.
After the parade
During and after the parade, pubs and restaurants along the route will be
hosting parties.
Note that shuttles will be leaving from the parade site to AOH Hall. The
last bus will be leaving at 5:00 sharp.
Entertainment at the AOH Hall will be provided by the Johnny Dew Band,
beginning at 5pm. Food will again be available to everyone at a reasonable
price! The parade awards will be given out at that time.
Grand Marshall's Ball
The Ball will be held on March 3 at the Jefferson Golf Club in
Jeffersonville, PA, beginning at 6:00 PM. The entertainment will be provided
by McHugh & Company and by our own Irish Thunder Pipes & Drums.

Please be a generous Sponsor or a Donor of the Parade!
Download the Parade Booklet Sponsor / Donor Form Here:
Microsoft Word format
Adobe Acrobat PDF format
More info on the parade can be located on the AOH Notre Dame Division web
site. aohnd1.com
Pete Hand
[email protected]
Saint Patrick’s Parade Committee
2007 St. Patrick's Parade
Grand Marshal
Ed Halligan
Ed's Bio
Halligan, President of Montgomery County and AOH State Organizer of Pa. was
nominated Grand Marshal of the 2007 Saint Patrick’s Parade in Conshohocken.
Ed past
President of the Sean McBride Division and Grand Knight of the James A.
Flaherty Council is very active in the community and Irish community itself.
Ed has been
married to his wife Joann for 22 years and has two children Ed and Caitlin.
During his relationship with the AOH and the Knights Ed help raise funds for
helping others such as the Montgomery County for Retarded Citizens and the
mentally handicapped. He was involved in raising funds for the Irish Sailing
ship Jeanie Johnson and Children’s Friendship Project of Northern Ireland.
As an AOH State organizer he has organized or assisted in organizing five
AOH divisions in 2006. What better was to promote Irish culture.
Ed Halligan
will begin his reign on March 3rd at the Grand Marshal’s Ball at
the Jeffersonville Banquet Hall.
The parade
will begin at 2 p.m. at 11th and Fayette Street in downtown
Conshohocken. The parade route is lined with delis, restaurants and pubs for
all to enjoy during and after the parade. Last year was the first year in
Conshohocken that attracted fourteen thousand people into town along the one
mile parade route.
in the parade are many AOH, LAOH and Emerald Society organizations along
with bands, Irish dancers and other social organizations from throughout the
The theme of
this year’s parade is “Flags of Our Fathers’’ in honor of all those who came
before us to help make this Nation what it is today.
is about twelve miles outside of Philadelphia and is off routes 76 and 476.
The parade
committee was organized in 1992 by the Ancient Order of Hibernians Notre
Dame Division of Montgomery County, Pa. The members and committee feels that
this Saint Patrick’s’ Parade will grow year after year.