2011 Keyport Saint Patrick's Day Parade
Saturday, March 19th, 2011 1 p.m.
A list of all Saint Patrick’s Day Parades in New Jersey (NJ
Irish Parades)
2011 Grand Marshal
William "Bill" Quinn
The 2011 Keyport St Patrick's Day parade will take place
on Saturday March 19th at 1PM rain or shine! The parade will follow the same
route as last year starting on Broad St by the high school and ending at
Fireman's Park on West Front St.
In announcing the event, Kenneth
Lawlor-McDonagh’s Pub, spokesperson for the Parade Committee, said Keyport is
anticipating an even bigger parade than last year, “and we want to spread the
word and encourage everyone in the community to join together, come out and
march and support it.”
Entertainment throughout the day at
McDonagh’s Pub will feature Irish music by Bracken, from Dublin, and Joe Dunn
and Friends along with step dancing. The Bulkhead Bar and Grill will have
entertainment throughout the day featuring About Time.
Marching pipe bands in this year’s parade
are sponsored by: Keyport Fire Department, featuring the Pipes and Drums of the
Atlantic Watch; McDonaghs Pub. featuring Middlesex County Police and Fire Pipes
and Drums; Bulkhead Bar and Grill, featuring South Amboy A.O.H. Col. David B.
Kelly Pipes and Drums; and Keyport Kiwanis and Keyport Business Alliance,
featuring Monmouth County Pipes and Drums.
A great addition to this year’s parade is
the Frazier Commodore Marching Band, a 100-piece marching band from the
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area and their Musical Director Rod Staggers.
Traveling from Perryopolis Township, located in the Pittsburgh suburbs, the
Frazier Commodore Marching Band will visit Keyport through the Keyport
Performing Arts Consultants, and add over 100 marching musicians to Keyport’s
Saint Patrick’s Day Parade celebration.
Following the parade the fun will continue
at McDonagh’s Pub, 2 West Front Street, with live music under the big tent,
where awards will be given out for the Best Irish Themed Fire Truck and Best
Irish Themed Group participating in the parade. “We’re asking everybody not to
party too hard the day before and to save some of that Celtic stamina for
Keyport’s parade,” said Grand Marshall, Cheryl Hill “We are passing down a new
Keyport tradition,” said Bill Larkin, Keyport Volunteer Fire Department Chief.
The Pearl of the Bayshore will become
“Glocca Morra on the Bay” on Sunday, March 20th, at the Borough’s 2nd
Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade and Celebration co-hosted by McDonagh’s
Pub and the Keyport Fire Department. The parade will begin at Broad Street
at the intersection of Monroe Street. The parade will then march down Broad
Street to the intersection of West Front Street where the parade will
continue west onto West Front Street to Firemen’s Parking Lot, next to the
Ye Cottage Inn.
In announcing the event, Kenneth
Lawlor-McDonagh’s Pub, spokesperson for the Parade Committee, said Keyport
is anticipating an even bigger parade than last year, “and we want to spread
the word and encourage everyone in the community to join together, come out
and march and support it.”
For more
information call
732-856-0483 or
732-264-0999 ext 5...and email contact is
[email protected]Hank